Development Manager / on maternity leave

Viivi Wanhalinna

Sijainti: Helsinki
Palvelu: Quality and Food Safety

The new development supervisor and responsibility specialist at Foodwest, Viivi Wanhalinna, wants to bring her own expertise to the debate surrounding responsibility in the food sector. In her opinion, there is potential especially in the small and medium-sized business sector to set higher responsibility goals for companies, be it in regard to food safety, food waste or even communications.

– Things are often done right, of course; but getting the message across is not so straightforward. It is understandable, because small and medium-sized companies do not have the same kinds of resources as larger companies.


Viivi, who has done research on responsible investing, has completed two master’s degrees in the food sector. After her master’s degree in food science, she felt that her understanding was still a bit lacking. A second degree in agriculture and forestry gave a wider perspective on the issues.


Viivi came to Foodwest as part of an business transaction with Atao Oy, in which specialist services pertaining to digitalisation and responsibility for the food sector were transferred to Foodwest.


– This is a brilliant opportunity, as Foodwest is a multi-talented player in the food sector. I am impressed with the wealth and diversity of expertise within the company.


At the same time, Foodwest gained exclusive rights to sales of the program Umbrella Interactive within the food sector. It offers a digital platform for the development of management systems and product safety systems. Viivi describes how the customisable program can also be used to develop metrics, which can be used to track the implementation of a company’s responsibility goals.


– The program is versatile and simplifies processes, as everything that has been previously recorded on paper is transferred to an online environment, where it can be accessed by anyone that needs it.


Viivi, who works at the Helsinki headquarters and also with clients on-site, has a family comprising her three-year-old son and husband. With a smile, she says that for now, much of their activities take place at the playground.

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